EOW Reflections: Love is in the Air

If you’ve forgotten and don’t already have that take home treat in the bag, or arranged, for Valentine’s Day, nip out and rectify the situation before it’s too late. Please just think about buying  from one of your nearest, beloved small businesses. They need your support.

Over the years that I’ve been working with, writing and broadcasting about, or shopping, which isn’t one of my favourite pastimes I must admit, I’ve heard over and over people complaining when the local small businesses shut. It happened with post offices and convenience stores. People are complaining now about losing bank branches. It’s horrible to lose those facilities but we’re not using them in the way we once did and if we don’t use them, we lose them.

Businesses can’t stay solvent if we don’t spend money in them. It isn’t enough to walk into a lovely shop with gorgeous things and feast our eyes. Footfall without spend isn’t going to put food on the table of the business owner and their people. I’m sure many of you are saying to yourselves now, or shouting so I can almost hear, that we don’t have money to spend. Yes, agreed. The cost of living crisis isn’t a thing of the past for many, many people. On the other side of the counter the cost of doing business is pushing owners to increase their prices in many cases because they can’t absorb the increasing costs, and many fear for their future as more looming cost hikes become reality.  What I’m pleading with you to do, if you do have some money to spend this Valentine’s Day, is to spend it on the one you love in a small business you love. Give them a fighting chance.

To bigger business customers the same message applies. If you use a supplier you love, pay that supplier today rather than waiting 30, 60 90 days. If you wait it may be too late. If you lose a cherished supplier, it will cost you in lost products and services, resources and time finding a new one, lost loyalty and relationship. If you love it pay it quick.

Small businesses all around the UK particularly in the retail and hospitality and leisure sectors are hoping today may bring them some temporary relief in terms of their cashflow. If costs today really are too high, and I’ve spotted the higher prices, how about a compromise. Eat at home tonight and go out next weekend instead. Call it Valentine’s Day on a date that’s cheaper for you, giving the small business two covers it wouldn’t otherwise have had and will welcome. Let’s spread the love over a week?  However we do it, think small and local, and support the businesses we want to spend time with this time next year.